Kevin Gates put out a new album called The Ceremony on December 1, 2023; a photo of his back tattoos with the focus being on "WELCOME". Have you ever listened to his music? When I ask if you've listened, I don't mean jam out in the car. I mean have you listened hovered over a laptop as if you are studying with the lyrics pulled up on a separate page simultaneously so you don't miss anything he is saying? I have. It's the only way I listen to music.
There's some music that deadens your mind, and then there's some music that tells a story if you pick through it with a fine tooth comb.
"Birds calling (Hello?)
I hear the work calling (Brrr)
Birds calling"
Only Generals are going to understand, and that's why the general public misunderstands.
8. Walmart:
"Get right, oh, oh, satellites
Don't wanna fall in love, you should run for your life"
The last memory that I have in Walmart, I was standing in the self checkout line holding nothing but a box of huggies wipes as a man looked over his shoulder nervously at me whilst scanning his canned soup. That's all that was in his buggy; cans and cans of soup.
Did I find a winner in Walmart?
Did that man just absolutely love canned soup?
Today, I decided that it's none of my business. It doesn't matter.
I don't need to know why. I don't need to assume. I don't need to understand.
I can just be thankful that I don't have to eat soup everyday.
I can be thankful for the people who smile at me.
I can be thankful for the people that love me.
I can be thankful to be alive.
I can be thankful to feel.
911, what's your emergency?
I might as well face it, I'm addicted to love.
Xoxo, Yetti
She’s back: love her brilliant mind